Biometric Authentication
Secure biometric identity solution
Specializing in the design of biometric solutions, GLi supports governments, public organizations and private companies from the conception to the deployment of identity programs.
GLi guarantees a reliable and secure digital identity for :
✓ Support states in exercising their sovereignty.
✓ Develop human capital and social inclusion.
✓ Protect the identity of citizens and uses.
✓ Create an environment of trust conducive to economic growth.
✓ Guarantee access to services anywhere, anytime.
AFIS biometric identification solution
AFIS (Automated Fingerprint Identification Systems) is an automated fingerprint identification system. AFIS records fingerprints and compares them with a database of fingerprints.
AFIS ensures the uniqueness of a person's fingerprint identity.
These solutions are used for personal identification, presence control, access control, border control, social security cards, life control, law enforcement identity control...